
The Essence of Incense: Bringing Fragrance into the Home (Self-Indulgence Series)

THE ESSENCE OF INCENSE asks: How can we apply the ritual of incense burning to deepen our own spirituality? How can we infuse our homes and our lives so that we are able to pause, to observe the importance of quiet time shared with our own spiritual force? How can we use incense to give us more personal peace and calm? How can the aromatherapeutic effects of incense add to our lives? Includes inspiring suggestions for using incense in every room of the home – creativity scents in the study for journal writing, relaxation scents for lounging in the bath, sensual scents to set the mood in the bedroom. Sidebars throughout offer practical advice and unique applications for incense.
128 pages, Paperback

Part of the Self-Indulgence Series from Storey Publishing, May 1, 2001; Illustrated edition (October 25, 2012)


“What an inspiring book! the pictures are gorgeous and I reviewed my own incense collection and rearranged some burners… what a fun couple of days and my nose is delighted… even thinking about the charcoal and resin type… gave that a try long ago but created too much scent for the small room.. however my studio is larger… So many decorating and arrangement ideas. there are even recipes to make your own and a compehensive list of suppliers… Great book even just to look at to raise your spirits.” Victoria Manning

The Essence of Incense