
Offers detailed profiles of fifty Jewish women who have played a key role in world history, including women from every walk of life, from biblical figures to modern-day activists, including Golda Meir, Emma Lazarus, Emma Goldman, Barbra Streisand, and others. By Deborah G. Felder and Diana Rosen

– Molly Picon, the beloved star of the Yiddish Theater, Broadway, and Hollywood, blazed a trail for women in the entertainment industry.
– Gertrude Stein not only declared “rose is a rose is a rose is a rose,” but championed Picasso and other avant-garde painters and writers to shape the direction of twentieth-century art.
– Housewife and journalist Betty Friedan penned The Feminine Mystique and kicked off a revolution called Women’s Lib.
– Anne Frank, hiding from the Nazis in an attic in Holland, created the diary that taught us all about the shining wonder of a girl’s spirit.

336 pages, Paperback
Citadel; July 2003



Fifty Jewish Women Who Changed The World